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When are my taxes due?

Your taxes are due sixty (60) days from the date the original bills were mailed.

What if my mortgage company pays my taxes out of my escrow account?

You should provide a copy (or the lower portion) of your tax bill to your mortgage company. Bills are not mailed to the mortgage company unless the mortgage company requests a copy. It is always a good idea to include your loan number on the tax information you provide to them.

What if I live in the city limits? What about those taxes?

All city taxes are included in your county tax bill. Fayette County collects for all taxes and disburses the city portion to the appropriate city.

When must I file tax returns on my house and land?

Real Property (house and/or land) tax returns (requesting a change of value) for Fayette County must be filed between January 1 and April 1. Georgia law requires that you file a return on your property in the first full year of ownership. Thereafter, you are only required to make a return when changes in your property occur.

How do I change the mailing address on my property tax bill?

If you wish to change the mailing address for your property tax statement please notify the Tax Commissioners office in writing, or provide the information using the Change of Mailing Address Form. Change of mailing address must be mailed in or dropped off at the office with your original signature.

Do I get an exemption on my property tax?

Yes, you can apply for a regular homestead exemption. Residents of Fayette County who own and occupy their home on January 1 may claim an exemption from taxation on the first $2,000 of the assessed value on the School portion and $5,000 of the assessed value on the County portion of their tax bill. Homeowners can make application for the homestead exemption year round but applications must be completed on or before April 1 to apply to the current tax year. By law, homeowners can receive the benefit of tax reductions for one property, for which you must be the owner and claim as your primary residence.

Are there any other exemptions I can claim?


  • If you are 62 years old, you may qualify for a $4,000 school exemption.
  • If you are 65 or older, you may qualify for 50% school exemption.
  • If you are 65 or older and your Georgia taxable income is less than $15,000, you may qualify for 100% school exemption.
  • Exemptions are also available for the 100% permanently disabled and 100% permanently disabled veterans.
Age requirements are based on your age as of January 1.

How do I know if I'm eligible for a special exemption?

For information on any of these exemptions, or to find out if you are eligible for them, please continue to the explanation of exemptions on our web site, come by our office, or contact our office anytime and we will be glad to assist you. Remember you may file for any exemption at any time during the year but in order for an exemption to apply to the current year it must be filed on or before April 1.

What if I own a mobile home? Can I file for a homestead exemption?

Homestead exemptions are not available for residents of mobile homes. State law requires that all mobile home owners receive a tax bill, which are mailed on January 1 and are due on or before April 1 each year. Delinquent taxpayers will be assessed a 10% penalty if taxes are not paid by the due date. New owners must register mobile homes with the Fayette County Tax Commissioners Office. When taxes are paid, a permit (decal) will be issued and must be displayed on a visible location of the mobile home by April 1 of the current tax year.

Must I reapply every year if I received an exemption last year?

If you received a homestead exemption and are still living in the same residence, you are not required to reapply each year. This exemption is automatically transferred each year. The same is true of the other exemptions, as long as your income has not exceeded the maximum amount established by State Law. Also, if you have applied for the age 62 exemption, you still need to come in to apply for the age 65 exemption once you reach 65.

What if I own a boat or airplane?

According to Georgia law, all boats and/or aircrafts or other personal property, including business personal property, is taxable.

What if my boat is docked at West Point Lake? Where do I pay the taxes?

Georgia law states that boats, motors, or aircrafts must be taxed at the county of location, regardless of your home address. If you reside in Fayette County, but your boat is docked in another county, your property and ad valorem taxes would be payable to Fayette county, but your boat (personal property) taxes would be due to the county where your boat is located. Additionally, if you own a boat or aircraft, please file the appropriate Personal Property Return Forms with the Tax Assessors Office before April 1.

Don't I pay a tax when I get my tag for my boat trailer?

Yes. When a boat trailer tag is purchased, the ad valorem tax is paid at the time on the trailer only. That tax does not include the tax due on the boat and motor.

When do I actually pay my taxes?

After tax returns have been filed and the tax digest has been approved by the State Revenue Department, you should receive your tax bills around the middle of September. They are payable then and become delinquent after November 15th (or 60 days after mailing, whichever is later). If you do not receive a tax bill on any property you own or have purchased, it is the responsibility of the property owner to check with the Tax Commissioners' Office for the amount of tax due, before they become delinquent. Interest accrues on unpaid taxes after they become delinquent.

What if I sell the timber off my land? Do I have to pay taxes on the timber?

Yes. Standing timber is not taxed until sold or harvested, at which time it is taxed based upon 100% of its fair market value. There are three types of sales and harvests that are taxable:

  1. Lump sum sales where the timber is sold at a specific price regardless of volume;
  2. Unit price sales where the timber is sold or harvested based on a specific price per volume;
  3. Owner harvest sales where the land owner harvests his own timber and sells it by volume.
Taxes are due to be paid to the Tax Commissioner based upon 100% of the fair market value multiplied by the millage rate for the harvested property.

What is a Millage Rate?

The tax rate, or millage rate, is set annually by the Board of County Commissioners or other governing authority of the taxing jurisdiction, and by the Board of Education. A tax rate of one mill represents a tax liability of one dollar per $1,000 of assessed value. The average county and municipal millage is 30 mills. Municipalities also assess property based upon county-assessed values and rates established by the municipal governing authority. The assessed value (40 percent of the fair market value) of a house that is worth $100,000 is $40,000. The assessed value is then multiplied by the millage rate to equal the taxes due.

2023 Millage Rates

  • 01 – County 27.864
  • 02 – Fayetteville 30.440
  • 03 – Tyrone 30.753
  • 04 – Brooks 29.071
  • 05 – Peachtree City 30.337

How do I purchase a tax lien?

The Fayette County Tax Commissioner does not sell tax liens or tax lien certificates; however we do have one real property sheriff’s tax sale per year. Please see the Tax Sales tab on this website for additional information.